COGITATUM by definition is the result of reflections, intentions, and plans.
This Latin term is the catalyst through introspection of self, which PHYBR set out to create a body of work that is the culmination of his journey to bring to us what he envisions in the deepest depths of his consciousness.
The body of work is representative in the reflective nature of gold and how it reflects our world back in a distorted and entirely new perspective that we often overlook.
PHYBR also wanted to recreate the dream state where he finds his inspiration for creating surreal images that he experiences while in the onset of going to sleep. There his mind plays much like a child unadulterated from the weight of reality. Seeing visuals of warped, distorted, melty, and borderline psychedelic. There he is able to connect his spiritual world with the physical and that is representative through this body of work.
Using a variety of mediums to create a surreal hyper realistic dream world that includes subliminal imagery hidden within the symbolic objects, distorted, and skewed much like while in the dream state. Focusing on using primarily gold as the focal point of the body of work it speaks to the spiritual nature of the symbology of reflection.